周显英 老师
作者:admin 阅览次数:889 发布时间:2018-08-28
教师感言 Teacher's Remark:
汉语教学 其乐无穷;作为一名传播中国文化和教授中国文字、语言的老师, 我倍感自豪; 让更多的孩子了解中文的魅力及博大精深是我的使命 。
Chinese teaching is full of intrigue and creativity . I am proud to be one of the educators who has the opportunity to share Chinese culture and teach Chinese language. My mission is to introduce more children to the charm and beauty of Chinese culture and language.
教师介绍 Teacher's Bio:
周显英老师早年毕业于山东大学英语语言与文学专业, 后在国内从事多年英文教学工作和国际文化交流项目,所教的学生范围从幼儿园至中小学生及成人,获得了各年龄段学生们的喜爱和家长们的认可。
Ms. Zhou graduated from Shandong university, majoring in English and Literature, she has been teaching English and culture exchange programs from kindergarteners to college students. As a result, Ms.Zhou received recognition and respect among parents and students of all ages.
2020年夏天定居美国后,热爱教育工作的周老师重新回到大学主修中小学教育本科课程,并取得了优异的成绩。 同时,周老师在Waunakee 的教育机构做学龄儿童的教辅工作,2022年夏天,她还担任了大麦迪逊地区各个城镇的缝纫导师, 取得”月度最佳教师”称号。
After settling in the U.S. in the summer of 2020, Ms. Zhou returned to university for continued education in the major of Elementary Education, achieving outstanding records. At the same time, Ms. Zhou participated in various educational positions while continuing her education at local university. She has worked as an educational assistant in Waunakee and also has won “Teacher of the Month” award in summer 2022 as a sewing instructor across various towns surrounding Madison.
2023春季学期, 周老师又担任了Verona Area International School 的全职代课老师 。在各科教学上,周老师善于洞察、启发孩子并因材施教, 同时她有丰富的课堂经验,了解美国本土孩子的学习习惯和培养方式。周老师还通过考核成为了HCC马立平中文的认证中文教师,她希望努力建立学生对中文学习的信心,并在教学过程中能够充分激发学生的学习兴趣,让孩子们在快乐的氛围中学习,轻松的了解中华文化。
During the spring semester of 2023, Ms. Zhou worked as a full-time substitute teaching position at Verona Area International School. In her teachings across various subjects, Ms. Zhou has her insight and ability to inspire children in learning, as well as tailoring her approach in accordance with individual needs and meeting the school curriculum requirements. With extensive teaching experience, Ms. Zhou recognizes the difference between Chinese and American educational systems and understands the importance of integrating the two cultures and styles. Driven by the passion of teaching, Ms. Zhou has achieved teacher qualification certification) based on HCC curriculum. She hopes to develop confidence in her students and spark their interests in learning Chinese, allowing them to enjoy Chinese culture in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere.