一年一度的国际文化艺术节在麦城最大的艺术中心Overture Center隆重举行,我们中国专场共选派出5个优秀的节目在中心里最大的表演厅Overture Hall为大家表演了具有中国特色的舞蹈、民歌、民乐…特别是我们童心中校明星班的学生以“快乐童心 闪亮宝贝”为题,为此次艺术节提供了精彩的华裔儿童服装表演。我们的节目让现场掌声欢笑声不绝于耳,小明星们的演出真是太棒了!
The annual International Festival was held in Overture Center, the largest performance art facility in Madison. In the main theatre, the Overture Hall, the Chinese community showcased five traditional performances, including Chinese dances, folk songs, and folk instruments. The students from Madison Fine Arts Chinese School performed a delightful fashion show, titled “Joyful, Shining Little Stars.” There were applauses and laughter throughout their entire performance; our little stars did an excellent job!
The “Little Stars” class at Madison Fine Arts Chinese School is designed to develop and promote talents in performing arts. Through different forms of performing arts, such as dance, fashion show, instruments, skits, and cross talks, we help students develop and grow their interests. In addition, through public performances and recitals, the students not only get to showcase their hard work, but also their pride in their culture. As a result, the students continue to develop their skills and self-confidence.
The “Little Stars” class is a special class without a fixed schedule. Madison Fine Arts Chinese School does not charge tuition or other fees such as costume fee. The school may rent spaces at professional dance studios for special rehearsals. The “Little Stars” class is a special benefit to the students at Madison Fine Arts Chinese School. Any student at Madison Fine Arts Chinese School can register for the class. We only request full support and cooperation from the parents.
We would like to thank the parents of the current class for the support and cooperation, and the students for their hard work culminating in highly successful performance at International Festival 2019. We hope to have more little stars joining our class in the new year, so we can continue to perform the wonderful Chinese culture and arts for the Madison community.
童心艺术中文学校 保留所有权利
Fine Arts Chinese School. All rights reserved.
学校地址:Lighthouse Christian School