姜颖 老师
作者:admin 阅览次数:2486 发布时间:2018-08-28
教师感言 Teacher's Remark
捧出一颗心, 献出全部情, 严在当严处,爱在细微中。让平凡的教室洒满阳光,让每个学生心中都有一片灿烂的阳光,用师者的胸怀去包容一颗颗年轻的心,用师者的爱心去铸造每个学生的辉煌。 我觉得,学生终有一天会超过老师,但老师仍然会毫不保留地交给学生所有,这正是教师的伟大。 我愿我的学生以后都将拓展出自己的一片天地。
Devoting my passion and affection to teaching, I promise to love every student. I make every effort to ensure that all my students are educated both intellectually and emotionally. I promise to teach my students everything that I know and to care for them with love with the premise that they will surpass my knowledge one day. With love and devotion, I believe every student can become outstanding individuals and productive member of the society.
教师介绍 Teacher's Bio
姜颖老师有多年的汉语教学经验,在国内也一直从事对外汉语教学,是阿尔斯通公司的签约汉语教师。她有着多年的丰富社会经验,资深HR, 善于与学生沟通,因材施教,了解学生和家长需求,提高学生学习兴趣。 全面开发学生听,说,读,写,四个部分。
Ying Jiang has many years of experience in teaching Chinese. While in China, she taught Chinese to students in foreign countries, and was a contracted Chinese teacher for Alstom, Inc. She also has many years of experience as a Human Resources professional, with great communication skills. Ying adjusts her instructions according to the needs of each individual student; she strives to understand the needs and requests from students and parents, increase student’s interest level, and develop all four skill areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Ying has been teaching at Madison Fine Arts Chinese School for 6 years, and has gone through training and assessment to become a qualified and certified teacher. She is beloved by many of her students and has always received positive feedback from parents.